Your Guide to Solar UPS

September 16, 2021
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All you need to know about SOLAR PCU
February 1, 2022
Solar UPS

Solar UPS

If you are looking for ways to increase power backup charging without adding large batteries, this Solar UPS article is for you!
Power Outages are known to hamper productivity in multiple sectors but the evolution in the solar industry can help us make power cuts a passe. Introducing a new and powerful way to keep your household appliances running non-stop, Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS).  is in essence a power-packed alternative to solar generators and invertors.
Until now, power backup options in the market were limited to solar generators and inverters that have limited run-time. They are devised in a way that it switches to backup power seamlessly so that the home appliances and other electrical devices do not sense the power cut.

How does a Solar UPS work?
Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) brings the best of two worlds, it is an integrated system of both solar power and grid power.  is the industry’s favourite because it produces non-stop power. The special technology uses the power inverter (DC to AC) and power converter (Ac to Dc) circuits and reproduces the energy stored in the grid. in addition, the solar panels generated free currently also be charged in the built-in batteries with help of an integrated charge controller of the solar ups system. This kind of feature helps to reduce grid power usage during daylight time.

1. It requires no running cost or maintenance system
2. Creates no sound or disturbance while running
3. There’s no fuel wastage generation during power production.
4. Avail more subsidies, incentives and loans on UPS Power.
5. Provides seamless power supply even during prolonged power cuts.
6. The System is sufficient, stronger and sustainable.
7. This can support your computer LCD TV, PCs etc without any interruption.

How to find the Best Solar UPS?
There are multiple companies in the solar industry that claims to provide the best Solar UPS, Unicleen is one of the leading Solar UPS Manufacturing companies that offer Solar Online UPS produced with top-notch technology providing:

1. 16 Bit DSP Controller
2. Inbuilt Isolation Transformer
3. Inbuilt Static Switch
4. Inbuilt Manual Changeover Switch
5. Current Limit Function
6. 100% Unbalance Load
7. Output Voltage Regulation <1%
8. Potential Free Contacts
9. Remote Monitoring System
10. Dynamic Breaking Resistors for Regenerative Loads

To get Dynamic Solar Solutions, Call Now: +91 9322829595
Or visit: Unicleen Solutions





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